
Make a Donation

Donation for the work of our lineage teachers

According to tradition, Buddhist teachers always give teachings and empowerments for free and students make an offering in return as a sign of their appreciation and gratitude. Therefore you are encouraged to honour this tradition and similarly make an offering to the teacher for the teachings you have received.

These offerings will be given to the mother monastery or non profit organization founded by the teachers, to support their projects and activities.

Thank you for your generosity.

Amount of Your Donation

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You can dedicate your gift to yourself, a loved one, or to the world.

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Payment Method

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A transaction made via SEPA takes between 3 and 14 days to complete (5 days on average).

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For questions about your donation, please contact donations@rigpa.org or call +33 (0) 4 67 88 46 08.

For questions about your donation towards prayers and practices, please contact prayer.requests@rigpa.org.